Company, shop and history

Dear visitors


For more than 100 years our sculptors have been carvings figures that make our craft known around the globe. This craft, and the classic style of Huggler figures were passed down through generations of talented sculptors and painters. This tradition is still practiced with great care in our workshops in Brienz.


The original Swiss nativity scene which Hans Huggler -Wyss designed in 1915 are still carved after these original models. The traditional costume characters are a proud part of our range. Abstract woodwork, Animal figures, heard bears, eagles, Madonna and other classic figures are a further part of our range.


Still today the range is extended by our creative wood sculptors. Whether traditional or modern, the love of the craft is reflected in all our products.


Visit our website, take a trip through the wide range of sculptures our company carves. For all questions, we are very happy to help and look forward to each visit with us in Brienz!



See you soon

the Huggler team


Huggler Holzbildhauerei AG - woodcarvings since 1900



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hier nähere informationen
betriebsbesichtigungen 2013.pdf
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