nativity scenes

more than 80 years ago, hans huggler-wyss created the first handcarved nativity scne of switzerland at the time: christnacht 14 cm. though the years the creative carvers of huggler disigned more different scenes. all these are still carved after the original models and are suplemented every year by new figures.

Palästina 12cm, the delicate one

The manger "Palestine" was designed in 1977 and is the smalles of the typical Christmas mangers of Brienz. These delicate figures are carved and painted by hand with much attention to detail.


Flyer Palästina
Prospekt Palästina 2017.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.2 MB
Price list Palästina
Palästina Preisliste 2023 .pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 236.7 KB

Christnacht 14 cm, the Original Christmas Manger from Brienz

The nativity set "Christnacht" was the first handcarved Christmas manger to be designed by Hans Huggler-Wyss in 1915. As in those days, it is still carved and painted by hand with much attention to detail in the typical flat cut.

Preisliste Christnacht Kunden 2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 253.4 KB
Prospekt Christnacht 2016.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.5 MB

NEW 2018


Christnacht 14 cm

09.028.1F, CHF 271.00


Protecting the shepherd suits children's figures wonderfully. He was designed by Sylvia Hilpertshauser. A new kind of figurines which fits wonderfully into our crib. Whether he explains to the child what is happening here .. or he simply enjoys it with his child ..


Weihnacht 22 cm, the classical one

The manger "Weihnacht" has been the classical in our woodcarving centre since 1925. At the height of 22 cm, the large and expressive figures are convincing because of the detailed workmanship. At the time, in developping the figures, our woodcarvers were inspired by the character traits of village "originals".

Prospekt Weihnacht 2017.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.2 MB
Preisliste Weihnacht Kunden bis 31.03.20
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 368.5 KB

Noel 15 cm, the unadorned

The manger "Noel" was designed in our woodcarving center in 1965. The figures, reduced tho the essentials in the typical flat-cut techniqe, look very festive and modern. By candlelight the style of this manger is especially advantageous.

Prospekt Noel 2017.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.4 MB
Preisliste Noel 2023 .pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 171.2 KB

Christmas 32 cm, the impressive one

The manger "Christmas" was designed in 1970 and because of ist size, it is considered to be one of the most impressive and beautiful Swiss Christmas mangers. The characteristic facial traits of the human figures are a main Feature of These manger figures.

Prospekt Christmas 2017.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.5 MB
Preisliste Christmas ab 01.03.2021 .pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 170.4 KB

Kerzenlicht 16 cm & 28 cm, the modern one

The manger "Candlelight" was designed in 1992 and ist the latest of the mangers made by Huggler. These hand-carved, stylized manger figures made out of lime Wood look stylishly modern and yet they retain the characteristic of manger figures in their original form.

Preisliste Kerzenlicht 16 cm 2022 .pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 166.2 KB
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 282.1 KB

navidad - 46 cm & 63 cm

preisliste krippe navidad 41 cm
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 81.6 KB
preisliste krippe navidad 63 cm
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 81.5 KB


our book - unterwegs zum christkind